When I started blogging my drawings I was working in small bound books (Moleskines), one drawing a day: bound drawings that somehow maintained a daily narrative, inseparable from their collective physical context. As time went on, the drawings became more complex and more enmeshed in an on-going thought process. They start one day and finish whenever they finish and I work in several sketchbooks at the same time, of various sizes. And the pages are now removable.
I work with internal (anatomy, a continuing fascination) and external (flux of experience and environment). And, over the last 10 years I’ve been experimenting with in-image captions, more and more in Spanish.
(Drawings are pencil, ink, watercolor, whatever on paper: various sketchbooks, going one book to the next. And the pages are now removable. All art copyright Sharon Frost, [email protected], sharonfrost.net).
(Remembering Bobby Rainwater at Printed Mater.) Blog: http://sharonfrost.typepad.com/day_books 4 x 5 in; watercolor, ink, whatever, on Field Notes sketchbook. #bobbyrainwater #printedmatter #memorials #urbansketchers
Kavanaugh me hace pensar en la muerte. (Supreme Court hearing. Kavanaugh makes me think of death.) 8 1/4 x 10 in double page spread; watercolor, ink, whatever, glued into Stillman and Birn epsilon soft cover. #skulls #supremecouirt #anatomy #sharonfrost #molesking #stillmanandbirn #journals
Cámaras funeriarias creadas con piedras de gran tamaño: los megalitos. (3,000 BC. Ancient remains. Burial chambers created with stones of great size: the megaliths.) 8 1/4 x 10 double page spread; watercolor, ink, whatever, on Moleskine cahier.